In the last week, three college presidents from Harvard, MIT and the University Of Pennsylvania, testified before a Congressional committee regarding the protests on their respective campiuses regarding the Israel-Hamas war, and how both Jewish abd Palestinian stiudents were being effected. When the question came up about promoting the genocide of the Jewish and Palestinians, these esteemed colllege presidents literally said that genocide was Ok depending on the situation. Are you kidding me? The fact that there was even a hint that genocide was acceptablre was outrageous. the answers given about genocidie were just hurtful. What is this world coming to when supposedlly educated people do not come out against genocide reflects our society as a whole. Free speech iis one thing, but to promote acts of violence is not. We are so cauight up in being politically correct in our language, that we have lost sight of reality. The Bible says that we should Love our neighbor as we love ourselves, not only in our actions but also in the words we use.